Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /home/jnade/ on line 277

Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /home/jnade/ on line 283
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The future
Be, have, do, make, etc.
Verbs: infinitives, -ing forms, etc.
Nouns and compounds
Determiners and quantifiers
Relative clauses and other types of clause
Pronouns, substitution and leaving out words
Adverbs and conjunctions
Organising information
The 'zero' article : : Indefinite articles : : Definite articles : : Questions with like : : Question tags : : Time prepositions : : Reported Speech : : Simple passive : : Continuous passive : : Because and because of : : To, for, so that : : '-ed' and '-ing' adjectives : : Need + verb-ing : : Have something done : : Must : : Have to / don't have to : : Used to : : Wish + Past Perfect : :

This area provides you with concise explanations of many complex grammatical structures.

The 'zero' article : : Indefinite articles : : Definite articles : : Questions with like : : Question tags : : Time prepositions : : Reported Speech : : Simple passive : : Continuous passive : : Because and because of : : To, for, so that : : '-ed' and '-ing' adjectives : : Need + verb-ing : : Have something done : : Must : : Have to / don't have to : : Used to : : Wish + Past Perfect : :

Have or get something done

We can use get or have followed by an object + past participle when we want to say that somebody arranges for something to be done by someone else. If you don't plan to fix or improve something yourself, you might say 'have something done or get something done'.

subject have noun past participle  
Ihavemy haircutevery month
The hotelhasthe windowscleanedregularly

In English, if you say "I am going to cut my hair" it means that you will sit down in front of a mirror with the scissors and do it yourself. hair cutting
When we wish to talk about arranging for things to be done by other people, we use the structure to have something done: I am going to have my hair cut. I have my car serviced every two months. We had the house redecorated over the summer. It is also possible to use the verb get instead of have: I am going to get my hair cut.

I get my car serviced every two months.

We got the house redecorated over the summer.